Below is a
partial list of the most common
engineering services that we offer. Other services that are not listed
may also be offered. If you need a service that is not listed, please
feel free to discuss it with us.
Municipal Services:
EPA Risk Management
TCEQ Permitting
Water Treatment
Water Distribution Network Design
Water Transmission Line
Ground, Elevated, & Pressure Water Tanks
Rural Water Supply System Design
Water System Pump Stations
Water System Analysis, Renovations, and Upgrades
Storm Sewer Planning
Storm Sewer Design
Stormwater Detention & Treatment
Stormwater Drainage Design
Sanitary Sewer Collection System Analysis
Sanitary Sewer Collection System Design
Sanitary Sewer Treatment
Sanitary Sewer Lift Stations
Sanitary Sewer Evaluation and Rehabilitation
Sanitary Sewer Interceptor System Design
Street Planning
Right-of-way Acquisitions
Pavement Design
Street Maintenance
Real Estate Development Services:
On-site Sewerage Facility (OSSF) Subdivision Reviews
Community Master Planning and Design
Subdivision Master Planning and Design
Site Grading Plans
Site Utility Plans
Street Planning
Right-of-way Acquisitions
Pavement Design
Stormwater Collection & Detention Design
Stormwater Treatment & Drainage Design
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Planning
Storm Sewer Design
Water Line Design
Water Pump Station Design
Sanitary Sewer Gravity Line Design
Sanitary Sewer Lift Station and Force Main Design
Construction Staking